
I had a call from my clerk a while ago. “I see you’re running in the NY Marathon”.

“I am?”

“Your wife has booked the time free in your diary. Apparently you told her you would do it.”

“I raised it in the bloody abstract”.

It is one of P’s missions in life to keep an eye on my doughy middle-aged form and to intervene in the entirely subtle and diplomatic manner so favoured by George W Bush. I stumbled into the house with a vague intention of going for a run when a magazine left casually on the coffee table caught my eye:

I prefer a barrel to a sixpack

I racked my brain. Had I bought it? It’s not my kind of thing but I do sometimes feel that senility may be quietly nibbling at the corner of my mental carpet. Then it dawned on me: P had bought it. So which of the many banner headlines was aimed at me?

It’s possible she just thought I would be interested in the Mourinho article. Or was she anxious I should “smell sexy” or, more disturbingly, “master the quickie”. “More sex less begging” rang a bell – wasn’t that one of my New Year’s Resolutions? But did she really think that I was going to develop rock hard abs?

As I leafed through page after page of gel haired 20 year olds with polished pecs and shaven nipples misery fell upon me.  I longed to be outside a pub with my fellow balding weebles; our centres of gravity merely inches above our shoelaces.  Why can’t someone publish “Indolent Fat Fuck’s Monthly”? I’d subscribe. P came through the door and I challenged her. “Oh it had been bought for the jury at Portsmouth Crown Court and the usher was throwing it out.”

“Yes but what are you trying to tell me woman?”

“That Jason Statham is gorgeous … can I have it back now please”?

The Tickle Man

Staying with us at the moment are my sister-in-law and her three boys (all 6 or younger). I am their “favourite uncle”. Given that they only have two that is not an impossibly difficult accolade to win. I secured the title by spending my time with them throwing them in the air and tickling them. A simple but effective strategy.

The evening they arrived I was out entertaining clients. At 6 am the following morning I awoke, head thumping with my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth. The three boys were scratching at the door like cats. “Is the tickle man there?” “Uncle Moobs, get up now please”. I stuffed a pillow into each year and groaned. Small boys are not so easily put off. David, age 4, is particularly persistent. Having winkled me out of bed, he stood in front of me looking at me seriously. As I was plainly unwilling to perform my avuncular duty I required goading into it.

David: You’re fat Uncle Moobs

Moobs: I cannot deny it

David: Hmm … you’re fat and bald!

Moobs: Steady on old chap that’s a bit harsh

David’s Mum: David!! COME HERE NOW!

David: Why?

DM: I want to lecture you.

David pads away in his slippers

DM: When you stay in someone’s house you must be nice to them. Go and tell Uncle Moobs that he is a handsome prince.

David pads back and fixes me with a level stare

David: Uncle Moobs you are … a fat balding princess!


Having found out that my Gran was a study-neglecting boatie amazon I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised to discover that my grandfather was a 24 carat dude. Just look at the way his pipe smoulders with attitude. Tragically born too early for the boy band success that would undoubtedly have been his in a later generation he had to settle for the Rotary Club.

One Hunk on the Rocks

This epitome of the Edwardian Englishman turns out to be Welsh. He hid it all his life.