A whole new emotion

You, dear readers, are the most sensitive and literate people I know. I need your help devising a neologism. I would like a word for the feeling that you get when you are watching the television and see that tomorrow night there will be an “undercover expose” centred on hideously expensive private IVF clinic that your wife has persuaded you to attend.

No word I presently know seems to quite cover it.

18 thoughts on “A whole new emotion”

  1. I’d just have to say that oddly, you and your wife and the IVF have been on my mind today… maybe this is why.

    (That and the Kangaroo thing just had me smirkin’ all day.)

  2. Oooooh. I think that if you aren’t feeling homicidal, suicidal or spermicidal then whatever the emotion is a-ok. If that doesn’t work for you, then borrow our word, sorrid, which is a mix of sordid and torrid and seems at least tangentially applicable.
    Otherwise, I’d go with fucked.

  3. Word or feeling..bowel loosening? bowel clenching?


    Not as bad as seeing your future husband being interviewed on the news at the local unemployment centre listed as ‘unemployed student!’

    That has scarred me.

    Or not as bad as seeing your future grandmother in law on the cover of the local paper going on about her druggie son getting her tossed from the home.

    No..yours is way worse…..I was just trying to be there for you.

  4. The word that my brain instantly supplied on reading this is not easy to spell, but I’m going to call it “tthhhsssooo”.

    The sound is made by pursing lips and sucking in air at high velocity. A bit like when you witness those videos on candid camera that you know must have hurt.

    “tthhhsssooo”: interjection: A sympathetic response to one who is pretty much buggered however he proceeds.

  5. ‘nad-shrinking’? actually, being a glass half full type of person (a mindset you would do well to emulate when providing your sample), i’m thinking, ‘they’ll be working their socks off to prove the programme wrong and maybe you could even get some money off by going all barristery on them’. actually, i’ve been there – exactly, so if you want to talk off-site …

  6. If you’re making sympathetic noises to someone else, then in Southern Africa it would be ‘Hawoo’ or – if particularly wincemaking – ‘eeesh!’. But if it’s your own emotion, then, well, yes, ‘fucked’ probably sums it up. (or rather as it’s IVF – both fucked and not fucked).

    Sorry, you did say ‘sensitive and literate’ didn’t you. Surely some mistake?

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