Help Needed

P and I are going to have a 3 – 4 week vacation in the US this August. We are visiting friends in Washington and family in Philly. Otherwise we have, as the song says, no particular place to go. Any suggestions as to where we should visit (or not)?

[EDITED to take account of Peter’s naming and shaming]

45 thoughts on “Help Needed”

  1. Moobs Sir, I am shocked I never expected quick typing errors from you! 😉 I’m afraid I’ve never been, although have always fancied a trip to Aspen and have a small (read HUGE) New York obsession!

  2. San Fran is gorgeous, Seattle is nice – lots of nearby mountain excursions too. Florida is to be avoided in my humble opinion. Acadia Maine is nice. August – look NORTH, friend. It will be HOT in the south. My friend from Oxford came to live with me for a summer and she spent the first week in bed completely sick from the heat.

  3. Washington DC or Washington state? (Check me out with my geographical knowledge!)

    If the freidns your visiting aren’t our favourite couple at the white house, then how about going up to Canada (Vancouver and the mountains). Very lovely. Although not that memorable, it would seem, as I think I had my first ever kiss there, but I’m no longer sure. It may also have been on the river opposite eel pie island… but I digress.

  4. Loads to do in NYC. Aspen is gorgeous – though more of a winter spot for skiing – though loads of lovely hiking Rocky Mountain HIGH in Colorado – so there’s that.

  5. Thanks all. Washington is DC not State so we are looking principally at the East Coast. All this talk of San Francisco has made me want to go back as I love it there.

  6. Sorry you’re limited to the East Coast…you coulda had a free, entertaining and highly knowledgeable tour guide for the beautiful Southwest! Anyway, if all you do are the museums in DC and Philly, you’ll still be overwhelmed. Philly has an odd little museum with lots of preserved bodies with medical oddities. You’ll also be close to Baltimore so spend an evening doing the tourist-y Inner Harbor restaurants and bars, and check out the crab cakes.

  7. A friend of mine is working down in Washington.He just took the position this past November … His family, wife,three kids and dog, are up here in Canada…He went down full of apprehension as Washington does not exactly have the best reputation….
    And he has found that Washington is absolutely delightful. He has found some pretty nifty pockets…
    So nifty, that the entire family is to move down in the next few months…If you want Moobs I could ask him where to go and the likes…
    He is pretty neat…He is a journalist… And a great deal of fun… I could ask him about the various haunts…

  8. I must admit…I was a bit excited when I saw Washington…as I live in Washington state. I had visions of meeting you and P and taking you both to all the BEAUTIFUL spots around here. But alas…you meant D.C. So anyhoooooo…
    PHILLY ROCKS MOOBS! Of course I am partial to it as I was born there. You must MUST have a cheesesteak from Pat’s Steaks. Yummmmmmmmeeeeee.
    East coast east coast. I haven’t lived there going on 17 years now…but I highly recommend a trip to NYC. When down towards Washington D.C. I would head even further South and go to Charleston. Definately Charleston…

  9. Please don’t tell me you have never been to NYC? you must get thyself there immediately. it’s the obvious choice since there isn’t all that much to do in DC except for look at museums…can’t say much about philly have never been there. oh and go to my blog and listen to my radio show pretty please!!

  10. I’d suggest my city of Detroit, “Motown”, but that would require a Kevlar vest and a 9mm. I doubt you can bring that across the ocean easily.

  11. PP – busted!

    FIS – I can call in on some bizarrely named lawyers on your behalf.

    OTJ – Been to Florida – never again. Spent a holiday by a lake in Maine and that was great fun. That may well be on the cards.

    Z – I love Canada, Vancouver and Whistler in ascending order. At least the kiss was good enough for you to try it again.

    Cronz – Never having been to the North West (south of Vancouver anyway) I am tempted. Not been to Baltimore so I am adding that to the list particularly since you mention crab cakes (nyem nyem)

    Pend – Any hints about places to go in Washington DC would be welcome. Just did the museums when I was there before.

    Jen – I think cheesesteaks are instantly fatal to the British – we just don’t have the constitution for them.

    Emma – Done NYC a couple of times (even ran round it once) but there is always more to see so I am confident we will end up there at some point.

    CTW – I can rustle up a musket, redcoat and an Indian guide.

    DG – You know me so well [Places tick on list]

  12. Though it will be hot in August, Savannah Georgia is a beautiful place. Lots of history, great stories (it’s the backdrop for Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil) and loads of local characters. Pre-kids, my husband and I used to go there every so often just to hang out, eat well and blow off steam.

  13. Hmmm…I’m sure I live in the Southwest, which despite popular belief really is part of US of A. Anyway, Baltimore in August must also include an Orioles baseball game; quintessentially American. And should the day come that you want to tour my area, I can get you to three states, two countries and everything from Ancient Puebloans to the Very Large Array, all in less than a week. My dream is to leave law behind and drive a tour bus around the region…no, really.

  14. While in Philly, you can pop over the river to Camden and Trenton. And you could hit Newark, for a full New Jersey tour. Gorgeous that time of year. You might also want to try Sheboygan, WI.

  15. I second Charleston and Savannah – though only if you can stand the heat. If you went the Savannah, Charleston route, you might stop in Beaufort, South Carolina and Hunting Island, a fabulous state park with a great lighthouse about 14 miles outside of Beaufort. Providence, Rhode Island is a nice place, too. Really, you could probably see most of the state in a day or so. There are some great cliffs by the ocean, though I don’t remember now exactly where they were. There’s also Boston. I’ve not been there yet, but my cousins lived there and raved about the place.

  16. Oh! How could I forget? The Blue Ridge Parkway is lovely that time of year. We usually go up around Asheville, NC, which is also a great town. There’s a spot up just above the Pisgah Inn at the base of the climb to the top of Mount Pisgah that is stunning at night, like looking down on the Milkyway, and the wind is haunting.

  17. Aw, you got my hopes up there for a second. I would love to meet you and P someday.
    I know nothing about the East Coast, but if you get to the Washington Monument and also to Lincoln’s statue please take pics and post them for us West Coasters to envy.

  18. If you can, please visit Crawford Texas. Tourism has really, really taken a nosedive there since, well, everyone noticed the naked emperor. They could use the business, ya know.

  19. Hey, we’ve got hiking trails, crocodile farms, sand dunes, pueblos and rumors of a Chupacabra over in my neck of the woods! Unfortunately I’m quite a ways away from the east coast. 🙁

  20. What ever you do, don’t come to Arizona. It’s absolute hell in August. Your shoes stick to the pavement and your ass sticks to everything else.

    Have fun planning. You’ll have so much to do, and so little time.

  21. Forgot to say, you are both welcome to visit me in Baltimore any time (it is about an hour from DC)…it is actually quite an attractive city, if you overlook that it has a higher rate of homicide than NYC. And of course it is home to one of the most spectacularly amusing women on the East Coast (me). although that said, I can’t put you up because i don’t have a spare room.

  22. I’m biased because I grew up there, but you should try and visit Boston for a few days — it’s a great tourist spot and a fun forum for learning about American history, should that interest you at all.

    Also, NYC is the greatest place on earth, but I admit that I say so because it’s my favorite city ever, anywhere.

  23. Come to Nebraska. Bring large bag of Minstrels. You can have our spare room. It’s cold as hell here. And the drive is long. But, oh, you’d be doing me SUCH a favour bringing the Minstrels. Or Monster Munch.

    Thanks in advance, dear Moobs.

  24. Come visit us! We can see the mountains – drink lots of beer – I can teach you all the American West slang. Hell, I’ll take you to the shooting range. We can watch baseball – and without all the cramped restrictions of an airplane – you can join the mile high club.

    As the song goes… Please come to Denver…

  25. Santa Barbara, Bitch. And I’m not kidding. We have a guest room and a guest bath (yes, complete with hidden cameras for our viewing pleasure – don’t be all self-conscious, just smile) for you and P.

    Seriously. I’m not kidding. And if you feel too weird staying with us (camera shy?), there are obviously plenty of places to stay.

    Santa Barbara is the American Riveria. I’ll show you two around like nobody’s business. We’ll hike, we’ll go to wine country (40 minutes away), we’ll drive by Oprah’s house and throw dog shit at her. See?

    Santa Barbara, baby…

    And we would seriously open our home to you and P.

    We need some new films.

  26. You are such a tease! Moobs seriously. Washington DC or Washington State? Because really there is only one real “Washington” to check out.. and it’s on the left coast my friend.

    Seattle — lovely lovely lovely

    You hussy!

  27. Sorry, bit late on the uptake.
    Fly to Kauai and do some bodyboarding. Awesome! And Chicago is just lovely with some gorgeous restaurants and bars

  28. Moobs, could you email me? I’d like to email you something and well…I don’t have your email.

    I promise that I’m not as psycho as my blog is.

  29. Washington DC
    I saw DC as a chaperone to squirrelly jr high kids….oh my.. I can barely remember a thing….The Vietnam War Memorial and WWII War Memorial touched me…As did the Jefferson Memorial…Big pieces of outdoor architecture make me cry. Or it may have been a migraine from the kids which caused weepiness.

    Memphis TN. Good blues music. Graceland (Elvis’s home…uh, I like Memphis in spite of Graceland, but if you are there you might as well visit.)

    Chicago: Science museum. Shopping on Michigan Ave( I think that is the main drag…) Be careful the cabbies will rip you off if they see you are a tourist.

    Colorado…Mesa Verde Park.

    Missouri: Classic Midwestern state…Love it! You have Cheesey Branson MO (yeck) and then you have urban city St Louis (murder capital of US, I believe, but they have a fantastic botanical gardens.

  30. If you like to eat, well, you know, if you particularly enjoy good food, check out this website:

    This couple specializes in finding places which serve authentic regional American food. You can type in the states where you are going and find some off the beaten track restaurants.

  31. Well, you should definitely visit Harrisburg, PA because I need help plastering my bathroom walls. I’ll cook a lasagna or something.

    And I’ll turn off all the electricity in the house so that you can get the Amish feel without actually heading to the tourist trap that is Lancaster, PA..

    While in Philly, do me the great favor of eating at D’mitris at 795 S. 3rd St. It’s BYOB, so bring a bottle or two or three. There’s no reservations, so give your name to the hostess and then wait across the street at the New Wave bar. Please order the octopus little dish. Even my mom liked it.

    While on South Street in Philly, visit this place at 10th and South.

    It’s mind altering.

    Other than that, I dig Baltimore for a day trip.

  32. I moved from Oxford to the Bay Area in 2001 and now live in Santa Cruz.
    It’s gorgeous here in August, but bewarned: July,August and September are not times to do the coastal drive. It’s likely to be foggy.
    I think it was Mark Twain who said ‘the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in san francisco’.
    while it will be nice (70/80) most of the time it will be foggy at times also.
    Napa, Tahoe, Yosemite will all be fantastic and you can do 1 or 2 day trips to them from the city.

    If you want west coast at that time of year I’d do San Diego, fly or drive up to Monterey, Santa Cruz and then San Fran and then head to Napa for wine and then take it to Yosemite and drink it in your tent..

    for the record october or may/june are the best times to do the coastal drive (Highway 1 from SanFran all the way to LA/San diego). I’ve done it in both of those months and it’s breathtaking. I’ve also done it in the fog in july and it’s cold and damp.

    Vegas is always fun, don’t bother with the middle states. Denver is interesting but I’d do that in the winter and ski. Add Utah and Tahoe to the ski list (avoid the east coast).
    Boston is great, as another commenter said, avoid Florida. It’s full of fat locals and appaling (mostly english it seems) tourists. Aside from Disney (if you like mice) it’s not got a lot going for it. hot and sweaty. Key West is nice I guess..

    I’ve been to nearly all the states for work or pleasure and aside from possibly Oregon (only because it’s like england!) I’d have to say I like CA the best. 9 of 11 possible climates means there’s just about something for everyone.

  33. The Spy Museum in DC would be fun for the whole family, and you can stop by the zoo and say ‘hi’ to the pandas.

    As for other spots, the beaches in North Carolina are great!

  34. Wait, wait wait. Sweatpants knows where George Clooney lives?!?!? Girlfriend is holding out on me. Damn her!

  35. Moobs
    I might be biased as a former Marylander. I have to agree with the idea of Baltimore. There is a lot to see there and it is the home of lots of depressed and well, dead, writers and poets. You should also go to Annapolis. It is dripping in testosterone and P might like the men in uniform.

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