Latest news for ?p=190

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What a week. ?p=190 i have not been posting because my chambers has been in the middle of a knockdown dragout, potentially enterprise-destroying battle of such monumental bitterness that grown up (and usually fearsome) qcs have actually been caught weeping. I'll give over 8 or 9 hours of the weekend to writing about it. In the meantime this message has two purposes: (1) To prove I still have a pulse and I remain a blogger; and (2) ?p=190 To point out that I am flying off to Scotland this afternoon with a view to watching the woman I still love* (and who ?p=190, conveniently, is also my wife) running in the Edinburgh Marathon (which is like an ordinary marathon except run by scary, skirt-wearing men with [?p=190] no underwear up and down huge hills in skin-blistering temperatures). If you happen to find that you unaccountably have more disposable income than strictly you should we can help you launder some at . Moobs Out! * Despite having organised a two week holiday in the remote reaches of the Scottish Highlands in the middle of the World Cup

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