The Girls

My life has changed. Upstairs two girls, aged 4 and 2 are breathing softly, overwhelmed by sleep. It is not simply better than I had expected, it is better than I had hoped.

Each day we are entangled more closely. Each day my heart softens and dissolves.

20 thoughts on “The Girls”

  1. Hugs hugs hugs to you Penny and the girls. So glad that your long journey towards becoming parents has had a happy ending!! xxx

  2. That’s grand. 🙂

    I don’t do hugs (you know, English + being a chap, and all that) but…*firmly handshake and congratulatory backslap*.

  3. Moooobs! I am very sorry to hear about your father, but what wonderful news about the children! Apologies for not having checked in in a while but now that I have, I am so delighted to find such happy news!
    -Nicole (aka The Former Liberal Banana) 😉

  4. yes – i remember that feeling. you can allow yourself to become the person you always hoped you could be. big love to you all xxxx

  5. Becoming a parent will show you a heart you never even knew you had. Welcome to the adventure, and many hugs and congrats.

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